IAM: USPTO Director announcement imminent as a new name enters the frame
Forum » Resources / News picks » IAM: USPTO Director announcement imminent as a new name enters the frame
Started by: zoobabzoobab
Date: 06 May 2009 13:39
Number of posts: 1
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I do not think that wanting to do something about issues such as damages and permanent injunctions is the problem ... It’s the way they have sought to make their point. When you say that the patent system is broken and needs fixing or that it puts innovation at risk, a lot of people are going to believe you. I can even see their influence in the Supreme Court’s decision in the KSR case, written by Justice Kennedy. They want to make out that this is a struggle between companies that provide the technology products everyone enjoys and the big, bad pharma multinationals. But this is not the case. It is not pills versus chips, it is the high-tech industry and some in financial services against pretty much everyone else.
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