Groklaw: FSF: FOSS developers "still should not write software that depends on Mono"
Forum » Resources / News picks » Groklaw: FSF: FOSS developers "still should not write software that depends on Mono"
Started by: zoobabzoobab
Date: 18 Jul 2009 14:17
Number of posts: 2
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A few days later, an interview with Microsoft President Bob Muglia was published, and he made it clear that they considered C# one of these so-called "patented innovations": ...the fact that [GNU/Linux] uses our patented intellectual property [sic] is a problem for our shareholders. We spend $7 billion a year on R&D, our shareholders expect us to protect or license or get economic benefit from our patented innovations. So how do we somehow get the appropriate economic return for our patented innovation...?
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